
[ Happy Birthday Dad ]

Here is a photograph of my Dad and my Mom at my wedding. My cute Dad is having his 59th Birthday today! Here are a few reasons why I love my Dad ...

- He talks to me practically every single day, multiple times. Sometimes for no reason at all other than to see how I'm doing.
- He is well educated and believes in high education and prioritizes that in our family.
- He supported me when I decided to go to art school. He is also very observant and saw that I, at a young age, loved photography and I saw the world differently.
- He loves golfing and taught me at a young age to love the sport. It was our daddy-daughter time together. In fact, he simply loves any types of dates, whether they be small trips to the gas station or outings to restaurants or errands, or trips to foreign places.
- He is kind, generous, patient, humble, intelligent, the list literally goes on forever.
- He can't cook to save his life, like me. And I love him for that.

Ok, there's a few things I adore about my Dad. Happy Birthday!

* Photograph taken by Kirsten Ellis


HillsRus said...

I ♥ your dad! Happy Birthday Uncle Dave!

Unknown said...
